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VISION what we aspire to

A Gospel-centered church that transforms communities to reflect the image of Christ.

The gospel, which is the entire council of scripture (From Genesis to Revelation) is central to the life of believers defining who we are and how we live. As the Gospel takes root in our lives God reveals to us how good and glorious Jesus is. We see the surpassing eternal value of a life rooted in Him. When we see his greatness we are compelled by the Spirit to share the Gospel with others. The Gospel is an active living force that has the power to transform every heart and life. It undoes the old way of living self centered lives to live new Christ-centered and others-centered lives. With a new heart, with the power of the Spirit within us, we want to share the love of Christ that we experience with others.

We impact communities when together as a church we practically seek out ways to love those around us who are rejected, forgotten and lost.  Only Jesus can redeem and change people, families, neighborhoods, communities, our city.

MISSION how we get there

Making disciples and planting churches for the fame of Jesus to the ends of the earth.

To keep our focus on Christ and eternity daily and continually have passion for Him, we need to live in a community of believers. Discipleship needs to be a vital part of that community. We need fellow believers in our lives to challenge, encourage and strengthen each other, so that together we can live for Christ. Open and vulnerable relationships are vital for the Gospel to take root in our lives and spread to every corner of our hearts. These relationships are vital for the world to see the Gospel and join us to follow Jesus. And as we grow our passion is to see other churches planted, Jesus-loving, Bible-preaching, sacrificially-living communities of believers in Kampala, Africa and to the ends of the world so that our King may be exalted.

OUR CULTURE how we live

One Tribe. One Family. One Language.

One Tribe.

Jesus Christ bought us with his precious blood and now we are His. It changes how we view ourselves and other people around us. We are new people whose identity is in Christ and who are loyal to Christ above all (Galatians 3:26-28). A desire to live for Him and in a obedience to his word comes from a simple but crucial desire of more of Jesus. Strive to live for Jesus because we want more of him (Philippians 3:7-11; Galatians 2:20). These changes the goals, dreams and ambitions of our life, we become people on one mission to bring glory to God (1Peter 2:9; Matthew 28:18)

One Family.

In Christ, the church is our family, our brothers and sisters, in Christ our bonds are stronger than biological bonds because we are united by His Spirit. We want our lives to be marked by love and care for each other in spite of our brokenness and sinfulness. We believe that through the power of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit who lives in us we can be one as Jesus and the Father are one as we live a life of simplicity, openness and vulnerability (Colossians 3:12-17). Together as a family we want to see and care for the afflicted in the community, widows and the fatherless and to share the love that we have in Christ Jesus.

One Language.

The language that we speak is the Gospel. Together we want to grow in the knowledge of God through His Word. We want to be shaped by God’s word to portray the truth. For the intentions of our hearts, thoughts and words to reflect God and make much of him (Matthew 5:14; John 13:35). We want to passionately proclaim the Gospel of Jesus’ glory, with proclamation that comes from daily experience and relationship with Him. We are passionate to protect the truth from any distortion because we don’t want to loose the sight of Christ and the gospel of God’s grace (1 Timothy 3:15).